Our Supported Employment Program helps those with intellectual disabilities find gainful employment within their community. Working provides individuals with a sense of identity. It provides an opportunity to make contributions to the community and gives [us] a space to build meaningful relationships outside the home. In addition to communal benefits, working also gives us independence and helps us to build our self-worth.

Visit the SDP OSS Virtual Postsecondary Transition Fair Community Page here.

Supportive Employment helps people work in an integrated, community-based setting alongside other employees without disabilities, where they can earn compensation at or above minimum wage. Individuals receive ongoing support at work so that they may be successful working at a business that fits their talents, interests, and abilities.

Watch Phila On The Job’s “EMPLOYMENT IS FOR EVERYONEhere.


Program Summary:

  • Age Group – 18 and older
  • Who can refer – The referral and authorization process is facilitated by the applicant’s Support Coordinator. The support coordinator will facilitate a meeting between The Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR) and CATCH’s Supported Employment Staff.
  • Eligibility – Any individual who has been diagnosed with an IQ of 70 or below and is considered to have an Intellectual Disability. The individual must be registered with their local county office’s Intellectual Disability Services (Link to a resource page with phone numbers) and have OVR Funding or the PFDS, Community Living or consolidated waivers.
  • Length of Treatment – Up to 90 days
  • Location – 1421 Oregon Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19145
  • For More Information, call 215- 755-9804