While at the Long Term Structured Residence (LTSR), consumers participate in a dynamic program which offers an array of treatment modalities, such as cognitive therapy, movement therapy, therapeutic recreation, visual arts, and community-based initiatives. Our sixteen bed facility offers a person-first, person-centered approach to treatment.

Our staff of highly trained professionals is creative and astute in the way they address each individual’s needs. Consumers are welcomed into a warm and friendly environment in which each person is treated with dignity and respect. We believe that all individuals can succeed in their own recovery journey and respect everyone’s rights to learn and grow at their own pace.

Program Summary:

  • Age Group – 21 to 75
  • Who can refer – All of our referrals are through the Transitions, Integration and Partnerships (TIP) program of the City of Philadelphia Department of Behavioral Health.
  • Eligibility – Homelessness and mental illness plus years of recidivism and re-hospitalizations. Frequent hospitalizations, after being placed in different community settings, are also cause for referral.
  • Length of Treatment – Varies from one to two years to as long as 15 to 18 years, depending upon their progress towards independence and resilience.
  • For More Information, call 215-271-2168